Saturday 9 October 2010


I don't actually know what that means. P:
Yeah, I'm packing up shop, for insane reasons that are part of my personality and cannot be removed. If you still want to follow me around, I suggest Twitter or deviantART.
Sayonara, buckos.

Friday 1 October 2010


Hey, I haven't been around in a while, have I? Apologies, a lot has happened. See, for once I was actually away because too much has happened, rather than nothing worth blogging about. So I'll go through that, step by step now.

First thing's first, my hamster had to have an operation. Poor thing. His name is Squizz, short for Squyrrell, which is pronounced 'Squirrel'. He's a russian dwarf hamster and is nearing two years old - the end of their average lifespan, but, touch wood, he hasn't really shown any signs of aging yet, thank God. You might be thinking "Why the operation if he hasn't got anything wrong", yet, alas, he did have something wrong with him. He had everted cheek pouch - yes, everted not inverted - where the cheek pouch is pulled out and turned inside out. You can tell by a fleshy pink lump, the cheek, hanging out the side of the mouth. It's pretty uncommon, more common in dwarf hamsters than syrian, but we managed to pinpoint what was wrong with him without the use of the vet and got it right first time. So, we called the vet, but since it was a Sunday and not an emergency we decided to wait until the next day, MONDAY. I don't know why I did that - Monday just seemed like something significant and worthy of caps-lock-ing. Of course, Monday was a school day, so I spent the morning taking my beloved to the vet's. We waited a little while for the vet to arrive, while people brought in their normal pets, like dogs and cats, while I sat there with a cage containing a tiny ball of fluff. Then the vet arrived, and we took him into "CONSULTING ROOM 2". Dun dun DUUUN. Eh, it wasn't that bad - Consulting Room 2 is where I was told my rabbit had to be put down. It was a familiar place. Although Consulting Room 1 is where I cradled him until he departed. Eh, that's the past - OUT OF FLASHBACK. Yeah, Consulting Room 2, and I plonked his cage on the table, and we took the top off and dug around in his little yellow igloo and found him. He looked a little tired and perturbed, and while I admired his cuteness the vet picked him up by the scruff of the neck and held him upside down to have a look. The vet said she was "pleased with that lump" and said he'd have to have the cheek cut out because it had dried up and died or something. But the vet who actually did the operation thought it was okay, since it had only happened the day before at most, and he just had it stitched back in. But when we went to pick him up we found out that he'd pulled it out again, and had to go under again. I could've had a breakdown then, but I kept it together and sat worriedly in the waiting room, erm, waiting. But he was fine, and came home with us as soon as it was done. He's kept it in so far, but he has had a go at it now and then. We have to take him in for a checkup on Monday to make sure he's okay and stuff, which he seems to be.

Next thing, I WAS SICK EVERYWHERE. BLEEERGH. Ha, the day after the whole hamster-vet-takey-in-thing I was sat in my English lesson. About halfway through my hand shot up. "Yes, Katie?" "Miss, I think I'm gonna be sick." "RUN CHILD!!" And run I did, out of the classroom, along the corridor, up the stairs and into the toilets. I wasn't sick then, but nearly was. So I was told to see the nurse, who annoyed me that day for reasons I shan't go into now, and I was sick a little twice in the Art Block toilets, before going home. When I got home I was sick NEXT to the toilet. My dad was most pleased. AND THEN I STARTED MAKING MY FILM I PROMISED YOU ALL. Animation is actually quite fun, when you're not doing the boring bits. Harhar.

Then what, then what... Then there was today. I'll skip Wednesday 'cos I just chilled on the sofa with Squizz in our make-shift hospital wing all day. So, TO THURSDAY! Wait, I just realised, it's Friday. TO FRIDAY THEN! Today was okay, actually. I have some things to tell you about though. I had to do a history test and squeezed my answer into this tiny little box, turned the page and found out there was a whole other A4 page to continue my answer onto. FAIL. Then in Maths I forgot my book, so I got a piece of squared paper and attempted to do my maths, but with missing a few days I didn't really understand it, and drew this baby instead. See him, there, on the right? Sorry, sir, but I didn't understand the fractions and subsequently drew a piranha-headed skeleton cyborg to deal with them. Maths to art ratio in that lesson- 1:50. I wanted to draw a piranha head, because I thought I could. Then I drew a whole piranha. Then I didn't like it, so I rubbed out everything except the head and turned it into this beautiful creature. I want one to destroy my enemies, like a loyal guard dog...

So, that's my week. How was yours?
Lots of love, me.

P.S. Now is the worst time to join my 'Enemy List'.

Thursday 23 September 2010

"Your reliance on hardware really does amuse me, Boff..."

So good to be back. Why? BT TOOK OUR INTERNET AWAY AND THREATENED NOT TO GIVE IT BACK. It wasn't our fault or anything, just that BT like to do that for some reason. *shrugs* Eh, it's not our problem - we got our interenet back - it's their reputation going down the plughole. So, with no outlets other than art, which I really haven't been in the mood to do because of DAMN SCHOOL RUINING MY LIFE, DEPRIVING ME OF SLEEP AND MAKING ME FEEL LIKE I HAVE THE WHOLE WEIGHT OF THE DAMN WORLD ON MY SHOULDERS (see why I need an outlet?) because Facebook and CRAZYvision were gone, I resorted to some DS games I'd have under my belt for a while that I never really completed. I got stuck a couple of times and had a little tantrum, as I have been doing lately because I'm overflowing with stress so I have to take it out on people and things that don't deserve it, but I got through one and I'm working on the second. Ever tried a game called "Zenses"? It's supposed to be a really relaxing game to help you unwind in the evenings, but it is officially THE MOST STRESSFUL THING EVER other than people, who are genuinely the most annoying monstrosities ever to walk this earth. So yeah, Zenses isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Life is hard without the internet. Be grateful for what you've got, maaan!
(What a waste of a post...)

Thursday 16 September 2010

Some days are good.

I had a good day yesterday, but woke up with the feeling of a heavy burden, so I might not be in the best mood to write about it. I'll try to give the facts anyway, and hopefully add some photos later. I have like, two or something photos I want to show you, one of which I don't have but a friend is sending to me later on.

My day started as it does every day, walking down to the bus stop to catch a demonic carriage to transport us to the Underworld that is school. I was walking down with my sister, Lauren, and my next door neighbour, Nicole, as usual. No-one else really goes in our area any more, except for the kids across the street who leave at like six.
We almost get there in time, but we see one of my friends, Molly, walking back from the bus saying we'd missed it. I said that my mum could transport three of us, but there were four of us, so that wasn't really going to work. Also I'd had an argument that morning with her because she was saying how the bus was going to leave ten minutes later, and I was telling her how it takes two minutes to get down there at a stretch - you'd have to major dawdle - so my mum probably wasn't the best person to ask. We made our way up to this grass-thing in the middle of a sort of semi-circular roundabout which is near us. There's a tree in the middle with a bench around the outside, so we went and sat on that while Molly called her mum. So we sat on the bench and waited, and a few minutes later Molly's mum's little silver car comes zooming past!... and disappears around the corner. I was in hysterics at this point, unable to control my laughter and screaming "we missed the bus and our back-up car!". We walked down to where we presumed Molly's mum had gone - the bus stop - but just as we did a bus pulled up, headed for Hell, I mean, headed for school. It stopped in the middle of the road and offered us a lift, so we got on, and the bus driver told us how the bus had broken down, so they'd sent another, which left earlier, but then the previous bus had been fixed, which was the one we were on. Since the other one had picked everyone up, it was just us four on the whole thing! Four people on a double-decker bus! I mean, plenty of people get limos (spelt right?) and horse-and-carriages to feel special, but who the hell gets a specially chauferred double-decker bus?!
And then I was late for assmebly and got to stand at the side like a teacher. Yay. Normally you have to stand at the back like a n00b, but I got to stand at the side due to a series of unfortunate events.
Then I think the day went pretty well. Not much to say about it, other than I had a crazy lunchtime with my friend, George, who I have many laughs with.
When the gates of Hell were opened and the innocent souls were released, me and my friend, Siani, walked back to her house. There I got major glomped by her bathroom rug, which she claims is a dog (you know, whatever floats your boat, harhar). Then we drove back to my house and grabbed some clean clothes so I could cast of the shackles of Hell, and after stealing her Aikido class's changing room and stowing my clothes there we made our way to the fair, which is here at the moment.
We looked around first, since not much was open anyway, and we wanted to try and space out our money. After an 80p trip to the toilet (YOU PENNY PINCHERS YOU!!) we went back and got on that ride like Bounce only with the Hulk in the middle. While we were waiting a song came on, which sounded like "my llama's got no money", so we were singing that, as you do. The Hulk had L's hair, when it had been slightly flattened by a shower. I can't prove it right now since I don't have a pencil. Pencil? I think I drifted there. I meant I don't have the photo. That's better. I'll upload my comic about the situation as soon as possible so you can read it and stuff. The guy forgot to let us off or something, and we got another free go. He told us not to dance. He scared me a little. Then we went on Freddy's Revenge, I think. Fast. I don't think anything "OMG LOL" happened on there, but we did giggle all the way around. Then we went on... Extreme, I think. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY. We did no spinning whatsoever, only went over like three times and got an unwanted face lift! It was so much better when it had a carriage on either end, but apparently they're not doing that any more due to health and safety. Frankly, if there's one carriage, how is adding another going to effect anything if it's exactly the same as just the one except on the other side?! Ah, I don't understand these people. Next we went on the weird one that's like "voooooommmspinspinspin". Uh, yeah. I guess I expected you to know what I meant by that. Oh well. I think that was it then, and we went to try and win a goldfish which we were gonna name Perkybrown, but we were 80p short (YOU GOLDFISH THIEVING TOILET OWNERS YOU!!).
Then we went to Aikido. I had a cake and some fun. Very fun. I learnt how to fall over! After a little while I turned to Siani and said "so basically just do stuff when he yells things" and she's like "yeah, that's basically it". I want to go back some time.

And yeah. I hope you all had a good day.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Bad mood.

Hey, I'm in a bad mood. Let's poke me and see what comes out...

I started drawing on the computer a couple of days ago. So far, so good. I think I like it. My mum said the art was the best I'd done, but she didn't like the subject. It probably sounds stupid using a quote from my mum, but that's just what I am, isn't it? An idiotic emotionless creature who likes to upset people. I'm sick of people thinking that's what I am. I do give a damn what they think, I could care less, I do try to do the best for everyone despite my own emotions but who gives a damn, eh?! I might just as well be selfish and do everything for my own personal gain because I'm certainly not getting anything by trying to be the good guy! Sorry, back to art. I told you I'm in a bad mood. At least I have the peace of mind of the moral highground, and the reassurrance that I gave it my all and there is nothing more I could do to help situations. Little things get under my skin, and that's where they stay for a long time... -Sorry, artwork. I guess this one's a little more dark than my other pictures. I mean, how much more innocent can you get than a girl finding a balloon? But that's not half the thoughts on my mind. I wanted to delve deeper into my own mind and find something dark and twisted and bring it into the light so everyone could see the true colour of my heart. I got a little way there with this one, I think. Not so much twisted, but darker. I hope to go for twisted soon. That will be my next target, but there are certian peers you will never be able to please, who will find any flaw just to make themselves feel higher. I'm not the best at anything, I accept that, and neither is anyone else - and putting other people down isn't going to make you any better. You have to work hard and that's what I've done my whole life, ever since I was tiny and my mum stuck my crayon picture of Tigger and Winnie the Pooh on the fridge. I barely had a full head of hair then, yet I've still been working at this since then because I love it, and I want to get as close to the best as I can because I want to thank whoever or whatever it was that gave me this gift and show just how much I appreciate it.
As you may have guessed, I'm not geeling my strongest at the moment. I think I should go calm down - maybe watch a movie or an episode of something. I wish I could open my mouth sometimes. I'm just scared those words will cause destruction instead of improvement. So I'll bottle it up again. Don't worry, I got a new notepad the other day that I'll write a diary log in if I need to let out some pressure. Honestly, I'll be fine. I just have that feeling where you want to shed your skin and leave for a little while. I've got to wait at least two years before I can leave for good. Even then I'll probably have to stick around for another two years. I might be impatiently awaiting my departure, but I know it will be so rewarding when it gets here. It's worth waiting for.
Um, good night. Don't ever let anyone put you down - they're just jealous or scared of competition. Even if you feel you're not that good, keep working at it, because that's the only way you'll get better. And then you can show them all! And it will feel so rewarding when you do. Keep that hope alive, because if you do then you will reach it.
I love you all, anyone who feels a little sympathy or anything like that for me. I love you so damn much. It's just me though, me and my rough edges scraping with other people's. I'll be fine in the end, I promise. "It'll be alright in the end, and if it's not alright it's not the end".
G'night. <3

Sunday 12 September 2010


I went to town yesterday. It was a Sunday so no-one was there. Yeah.
I can't remember what we went for - I think we all just had a few things that we thought we'd have to get. I wanted a couple of notepads, a folder (GSCE ART YAY. GOT AN A* THE OTHER DAY), black lipstick, black nail varnish (damn, forgot this...), and probably some more stuff too.
It started off as shopping trips do... Boring, I guess. We went to the dump and stuff first, so I was like "can I put some of my music on?" because I was fed up of Girls Aloud strangling cats. So my family's like "HEY-HO", but changed their tune when I put on German and Japanese songs. Harhar.
Then we went into town. First we went into one of those bargain shops, bought nothing, came out, and stuff. Okay, I can't remember what we did next so I'm just going to say all of the things as they come into my head, 'kay?
I GOT BLACK LIPSTICK YAY. People don't take black nail varnish seriously any more, now people wear it 'cos it's fashionable. EH-URGH, I don't like that. By the way, that was my impression of a buzzer thing. Like it? I got some more black eyeliner too. My mum was like "what about the other one?" and I said "it sharpens funny now. Now it does this" *swirling eyeliner impression*. Have you ever pretended to be eyeliner? Very, VERY fun. I should've got some more black nail varnish too, but I forgot. Claire's black nail varnish is rubbish, because it's full of little sparkly things that take up the majority of the container and make it go all bumpy when you put it on, not to mention the fact that it doesn't chip, it PEELS. And I'm running out, so I do need some more. I used up the last lot proving to my mum's side of the family that I was dedicated to the whole black thing.
Yeah, I had to get an art folder because I'm taking GCSE Art and all my stuff would get crumpled when moving to and from school. I'm very, VERY picky about my paper. I hope the "examiner" isn't... I've kept it in pretty good nick so far. Just to say, thank you to all my artistic influences and those who cheered me on, 'cos I got an A* for a piece the other day. Thank you so much, I couldn't have done it without you. Heehee. I will continue to shower you with more, hopefully! Anyways, we go to this stationary shop, which is like the only place ANYWHERE that sells them, and one that ACTUALLY fitted A2 was £24. I mean COME ON. Just because they're the only place that sells them doesn't mean they can charge whatever the hell they like for them! And there was a cheaper one for £15, but that was too small for A2, even though it said it was big enough. *coughcough* Correction, stationary guys, the folder was A2, not the space inside the folder. So I had to get the big ol' expensive one, which is fine 'cos my mum was paying. Heehee. It's heavy, and there's not even anything in it yet, but it comes with a shoulder strap, so it's all good.
What else, what else... Have you guys ever seen those Marge Simpson slippers? GENIUS. Me and my sister were messing around with them (not buying them though... heehee) so here's a piccy:

Anddd... We had to get some wrapping paper for our maths books, because new year, new maths book, need to wrap it up otherwise it gets broken. That's what the little rainbow rhythm stick is in the Marge picture. Yupyup. NEWS FLASH: I wrapped it this morning, and was thinking of Thunderbirds while I did it. WHYYY?!!!

Blogger is having an episode now, so bye bye. See you after school if anything interesting happens.

Monday 6 September 2010

New School Rules

Following new ridiculous school rules being announced, I was very angry, and seeing as this is going out to the world and posted on Facebook I thought it best if I let myself calm down first before writing a post about it.
Beforehand there were many rules in place, as you would expect in a school, but they could be relaxed here and there to let the students still have their creative spark. However, following the arrival of the new head teacher the whole place has got a lot tighter and added a bunch of new rules to the mix, on uniform especially. I will be fair and say that I don't know for sure it's the new head teacher making up the rules, but the old head teacher wouldn't set them just to leave, would he? Before I go on to say what these new rules are, I would like to say that any new rules about uniform should be announced before the Summer Holidays, when everyone buys new uniform. But, thanks to them being announced now, after the Summer Holidays, a lot of us have wasted money.
Some of the rules are:
- No coloured, patterned or odd socks. No logos.
- No patterned tights.
- No coloured hair accessories.
- No hairbands worn around wrists.
- No jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, multiple earrings in one ear (studs only), more than one ring, arm bands, sweat bands - generally everything.
- No skinny trousers, even if they're not jeans.
- No make-up.
- No nail varnish.
- No "obtrusive" hair, a.k.a. anything that makes you go "hey, look at that one's hair".
Now, fair enough, some of those could be health hazards at a stretch, but I can't see how most of these things have any effect on the teachers, the students, the education or the image of the school. Students should be allowed some personality. If we're all dressed exactly the same, down to the socks, people would look at us as if we are all the same, but we all have something to offer, and we want to be recognised for that through more than just hard work. We want to look smart, not preppy. The image they should want is "hey, there's some kids from ******. They all look smart in the same uniform, but it's nice to see that they have their original ideas. What a good school". That would mean that the teachers could relax, because not so many rules could be broken if they were relaxed again. So, happy students, happy teachers, happy by-passers. I don't see the problem with that.

If you have any stories following the new rules I'd be happy to read and post them here, as well as any other silly rules to add to my list. Please contact me on Facebook to do so. It's Katie, in case you forgot, teehee.