Thursday 23 September 2010

"Your reliance on hardware really does amuse me, Boff..."

So good to be back. Why? BT TOOK OUR INTERNET AWAY AND THREATENED NOT TO GIVE IT BACK. It wasn't our fault or anything, just that BT like to do that for some reason. *shrugs* Eh, it's not our problem - we got our interenet back - it's their reputation going down the plughole. So, with no outlets other than art, which I really haven't been in the mood to do because of DAMN SCHOOL RUINING MY LIFE, DEPRIVING ME OF SLEEP AND MAKING ME FEEL LIKE I HAVE THE WHOLE WEIGHT OF THE DAMN WORLD ON MY SHOULDERS (see why I need an outlet?) because Facebook and CRAZYvision were gone, I resorted to some DS games I'd have under my belt for a while that I never really completed. I got stuck a couple of times and had a little tantrum, as I have been doing lately because I'm overflowing with stress so I have to take it out on people and things that don't deserve it, but I got through one and I'm working on the second. Ever tried a game called "Zenses"? It's supposed to be a really relaxing game to help you unwind in the evenings, but it is officially THE MOST STRESSFUL THING EVER other than people, who are genuinely the most annoying monstrosities ever to walk this earth. So yeah, Zenses isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Life is hard without the internet. Be grateful for what you've got, maaan!
(What a waste of a post...)

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