Thursday 16 September 2010

Some days are good.

I had a good day yesterday, but woke up with the feeling of a heavy burden, so I might not be in the best mood to write about it. I'll try to give the facts anyway, and hopefully add some photos later. I have like, two or something photos I want to show you, one of which I don't have but a friend is sending to me later on.

My day started as it does every day, walking down to the bus stop to catch a demonic carriage to transport us to the Underworld that is school. I was walking down with my sister, Lauren, and my next door neighbour, Nicole, as usual. No-one else really goes in our area any more, except for the kids across the street who leave at like six.
We almost get there in time, but we see one of my friends, Molly, walking back from the bus saying we'd missed it. I said that my mum could transport three of us, but there were four of us, so that wasn't really going to work. Also I'd had an argument that morning with her because she was saying how the bus was going to leave ten minutes later, and I was telling her how it takes two minutes to get down there at a stretch - you'd have to major dawdle - so my mum probably wasn't the best person to ask. We made our way up to this grass-thing in the middle of a sort of semi-circular roundabout which is near us. There's a tree in the middle with a bench around the outside, so we went and sat on that while Molly called her mum. So we sat on the bench and waited, and a few minutes later Molly's mum's little silver car comes zooming past!... and disappears around the corner. I was in hysterics at this point, unable to control my laughter and screaming "we missed the bus and our back-up car!". We walked down to where we presumed Molly's mum had gone - the bus stop - but just as we did a bus pulled up, headed for Hell, I mean, headed for school. It stopped in the middle of the road and offered us a lift, so we got on, and the bus driver told us how the bus had broken down, so they'd sent another, which left earlier, but then the previous bus had been fixed, which was the one we were on. Since the other one had picked everyone up, it was just us four on the whole thing! Four people on a double-decker bus! I mean, plenty of people get limos (spelt right?) and horse-and-carriages to feel special, but who the hell gets a specially chauferred double-decker bus?!
And then I was late for assmebly and got to stand at the side like a teacher. Yay. Normally you have to stand at the back like a n00b, but I got to stand at the side due to a series of unfortunate events.
Then I think the day went pretty well. Not much to say about it, other than I had a crazy lunchtime with my friend, George, who I have many laughs with.
When the gates of Hell were opened and the innocent souls were released, me and my friend, Siani, walked back to her house. There I got major glomped by her bathroom rug, which she claims is a dog (you know, whatever floats your boat, harhar). Then we drove back to my house and grabbed some clean clothes so I could cast of the shackles of Hell, and after stealing her Aikido class's changing room and stowing my clothes there we made our way to the fair, which is here at the moment.
We looked around first, since not much was open anyway, and we wanted to try and space out our money. After an 80p trip to the toilet (YOU PENNY PINCHERS YOU!!) we went back and got on that ride like Bounce only with the Hulk in the middle. While we were waiting a song came on, which sounded like "my llama's got no money", so we were singing that, as you do. The Hulk had L's hair, when it had been slightly flattened by a shower. I can't prove it right now since I don't have a pencil. Pencil? I think I drifted there. I meant I don't have the photo. That's better. I'll upload my comic about the situation as soon as possible so you can read it and stuff. The guy forgot to let us off or something, and we got another free go. He told us not to dance. He scared me a little. Then we went on Freddy's Revenge, I think. Fast. I don't think anything "OMG LOL" happened on there, but we did giggle all the way around. Then we went on... Extreme, I think. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY. We did no spinning whatsoever, only went over like three times and got an unwanted face lift! It was so much better when it had a carriage on either end, but apparently they're not doing that any more due to health and safety. Frankly, if there's one carriage, how is adding another going to effect anything if it's exactly the same as just the one except on the other side?! Ah, I don't understand these people. Next we went on the weird one that's like "voooooommmspinspinspin". Uh, yeah. I guess I expected you to know what I meant by that. Oh well. I think that was it then, and we went to try and win a goldfish which we were gonna name Perkybrown, but we were 80p short (YOU GOLDFISH THIEVING TOILET OWNERS YOU!!).
Then we went to Aikido. I had a cake and some fun. Very fun. I learnt how to fall over! After a little while I turned to Siani and said "so basically just do stuff when he yells things" and she's like "yeah, that's basically it". I want to go back some time.

And yeah. I hope you all had a good day.

1 comment:

  1. You should come back sometime! I'll send you all the free thingies that are posted on Bookface (seminars and the like).
    "Let's put our hands up the whole way round!"
    /5 mins later/

    That was a fun day ;D
    "Drop the granny on the horrible yappy Shih-Tzu."
    "I have a Shih-Tzu."
    "Have you actually done that?"
    "Dropped a granny on a Shuh-Tzu? No, I haven't. I dropped her on her husband."
    And everyone's face DROPS.

    I got a free Jelly worm ;D
