Monday 6 September 2010

New School Rules

Following new ridiculous school rules being announced, I was very angry, and seeing as this is going out to the world and posted on Facebook I thought it best if I let myself calm down first before writing a post about it.
Beforehand there were many rules in place, as you would expect in a school, but they could be relaxed here and there to let the students still have their creative spark. However, following the arrival of the new head teacher the whole place has got a lot tighter and added a bunch of new rules to the mix, on uniform especially. I will be fair and say that I don't know for sure it's the new head teacher making up the rules, but the old head teacher wouldn't set them just to leave, would he? Before I go on to say what these new rules are, I would like to say that any new rules about uniform should be announced before the Summer Holidays, when everyone buys new uniform. But, thanks to them being announced now, after the Summer Holidays, a lot of us have wasted money.
Some of the rules are:
- No coloured, patterned or odd socks. No logos.
- No patterned tights.
- No coloured hair accessories.
- No hairbands worn around wrists.
- No jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, multiple earrings in one ear (studs only), more than one ring, arm bands, sweat bands - generally everything.
- No skinny trousers, even if they're not jeans.
- No make-up.
- No nail varnish.
- No "obtrusive" hair, a.k.a. anything that makes you go "hey, look at that one's hair".
Now, fair enough, some of those could be health hazards at a stretch, but I can't see how most of these things have any effect on the teachers, the students, the education or the image of the school. Students should be allowed some personality. If we're all dressed exactly the same, down to the socks, people would look at us as if we are all the same, but we all have something to offer, and we want to be recognised for that through more than just hard work. We want to look smart, not preppy. The image they should want is "hey, there's some kids from ******. They all look smart in the same uniform, but it's nice to see that they have their original ideas. What a good school". That would mean that the teachers could relax, because not so many rules could be broken if they were relaxed again. So, happy students, happy teachers, happy by-passers. I don't see the problem with that.

If you have any stories following the new rules I'd be happy to read and post them here, as well as any other silly rules to add to my list. Please contact me on Facebook to do so. It's Katie, in case you forgot, teehee.

1 comment:

  1. I have red hair and have no intention of dying it back. I also wear odd socks every day. I own no black, white or grey socks and have no intention of buying any. I did hear a story about a little Year 7 who was told to take a cute flower out of her hair on the first day. I hear she was quite upset...
