Saturday 17 July 2010

Sick + Green Man Day

I always wanted a blog, but lawd, the urge to use emoticons is amazingly strong.

Anywho, on to what I wanted to talk about.
I've been sick recently, apparently from walking home in the rain without an umbrella, but I don't see how that's true since it didn't rain when I was walking home and I've got a lift everywhere when it has been raining. I like the rain, especially walking in it, but I haven't walked in the rain for ages so that's not where my illness comes from! Don't blame the rain!
I think it's like EXTREME COLD, 'cos I'm all sniffley and stuff.
On Friday, it must've been, I felt ill all day, but I blamed that on three packets of Haribo and energy drink. By the way, energy drink is AMAZING. You can talk reeeaaally fast without screwing up your words! AH! So I moped around all day, slumping over the desks and not doing any work (thank godness it's nearly the end of the year so we're mainly watching videos!). I didn't think much of it - I just thought that if I laid on the sofa for a while I might feel better. What a fail that idea was. As soon as I sat on the sofa I had a headache, my nose was running for it's life, as if from some giant monster, I felt like I was going to throw up every couple of minutes, and I seriously didn't had the energy to lift up the TV remote, and even typing on Facebook and telling my friends that I was ill was tiring after a while - I had to stop for a breather.
Then I drifted off for a while, and as soon as I woke up I had to run up the stairs because I thought I was going to be sick. I only wretched a few times, and when I stood up straight again and looked in the mirror I was yellow/white, no joke. If you've ever seen our bathroom tiles, I was that colour only a stronger yellow. I looked like a Simpson - an ill, ill Simpson.
Later that afternoon I fell alseep on the sofa next to my mum, who has a tendency to fall asleep on the sofa and often does by choice rather than sleeping next to my dad because he snores. Anywho, she had a thick duvet over her, was mushing my feet under her, which are the most temperature-sensitive parts of my body, and we'd both been like that for about, I don't know, must've been a few hours. So when I woke up at 10:52 that night I was hot and sweaty and feverish. I went upstairs, deciding that my bed would be a lot more comfortable, and whilst cleaning my teeth I looked in the mirror again. My skin was a little better, but I had very, very bloodshot eyes. Never seen bloodshot eyes like that before.

Anyways, I fought it all off yesterday so I could go out with my friend, Siani, otherwise known as Little Teapot, to go to Green Man Day, a wierd day where no-one's really sure what they're celebrating, but by the sounds of the name they should be wearing green so that's what they do. Only the wierdos though. I wore a green t-shirt, but that was by accident, because I love my green t-shirt. It's so cuddly.
First thing we saw was the teacups, something that Siani liked to ride every year, so we went on that. As we span and roatated at the same time there were all these mums smiling at their tiny kids on the ride, who looked as grumpy as hell and looked like they wanted to get off immediately and run away. Us, however, two teenagers riding in the same tiny cup, were screaming our heads off with joy and excitement. Most fun ride EVER. NEVER underestimate the power of teacups. Next time you see them, no matter how old you are or how stupid you think you might look, go on them with a friend, because you will have the time of your lives.
I just took a sip of orange juice, tasted nothing, then a few seconds later all the flavour came along. My tastebuds are fail at the moment.
Back to Green Man, we walked up through the street and saw some stuff. THERE WAS A COW! And Siani hugged it so much, but I only hugged it once because I was preoccupied with laughing at Siani hugging it. Then we walked past this stall, and this creepy paedo guy comes up to us and is like "I'll sell you this bag for a fiver, when it's normally 20 quid", and I'm like "GET OUT OF MY SHOPPING!" and Siani's like "OKAY". So Siani bought the bag, and then we were looking at the other ubercool stuff they had. There was a really nice black dress with buckles on it, but it was like £50 and I don't have that kind of money, especially since I'm supposed to be saving for merchandise for when I go to a gig in Cardiff in a couple of weeks. Beisdes, I can probably find cheaper on Ebay. There were these really cool finger things, made of metal, that kind of turned your finger into an elongated metal pointy one. They were AWESOME, and I tried to haggle, but he only took it from £6 to £5, so I wasn't sure whether I wanted it, so I lied and said I didn't have that much.
We then decided we were thirsty, so we headed to the garage across the road, but we saw this guy on a bike along the way, and we stopped to look at his sign because it said something like "BOB + BOB JOB", and the next thing we know he's inviting us into the little box on the back of his bike to hear the naughtiest noises in the universe. So Siani got in, but I'm a little claustrophobic so I stayed outside to make sure he didn't ride off with her, and it farted in her face for a couple of minutes, then we left because he was scary. Ha.
We got to the garage, where Siani bought some sparkling water, but found it flavourless, so we decided to try and blow it up with Mentos instead, but only found soft mints, so we went to the park across the road and put them in. ALL of them. But nothing happened. Someone had left some deflated balloons where we were sat, so we took the ribbons and tied it around the neck of the bottle, and dragged it back up the street. We named it Pepsi and showed it to everyone and every thing. We showed it to, amoung other things, the cow, a cat, a magician who's crotch I accidently filmed for five minutes because I didn't realise my phone was recording, a giant green man on stilts who blessed us, including Pepsi, but then said Pepsi was evil so I kept telling Siani that we should push him over, and I think that was about it on the noticable scale. Oh, and a silver man who was meant to be a robot or something. He failed because we saw him carrying the stool he'd been stood on back down the street later that afternoon.
This is a long post, so I'll make the last bit quick.
After that we laughed at many things, sold Pepsi to a bunch of kids who gave us 41p, a green gumdrop and a packet of Love Hearts (Love'ums!), who then drank some of Pepsi's internal fluid and left him/her decapitated on the ground, and bought two of the wierd finger things and tried killing people with them because we thought we could. We've got a lot of work to do when we get back to school if we can kill people with them, hee hee...

Thanks for reading.

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