Wednesday 21 July 2010

Weird dream...

Do you enjoy reading about other people's wierd dreams? I do, so here's one I just had.

I made a map to make it easier for readers to follow. I suppose you wouldn't know what the house looked like, so it would be a lot easier if you did. Yes, it's a complicated map.

For some unknown reason me and two of my friends, Jorden and Damien, were employed to break into Eminem's house and steal a giant diamond he had.
Strangely enough, although I thought nothing of it at the time, he lived in a quiet street just outside the suburbs in a small one storey house with a basement. There were thick bushes on either side of this house, and around the back too, so no-one would notice what we were doing.
Marshal himself had left a short while ago, so we crept up to the door, unlocked it and stepped inside. From their we walked around this piece of wall that jutted out and down the corridor, peering into the two rooms on either side as we walked past, but not giving it a proper investigation. This diamond was huge, so there was a very high chance we'd miss it. It was about the size of a football, and ironically, diamond in shape.
We stopped in the kitchen at the end of the corridor for a while - I think Damien wanted to look around more. Deciding we didn't have much time, Jorden and I left him in the kitchen and proceeded down the stairs into the basement.
The map of the basement is on the right. -->
On the way down the stairs me and Jorden noticed the boxes at the side of the stairs, which were filled with dressing up clothes, toys and other things of the sort. Jorden pulled out a pirate hat, exclaiming "I'm the captain!" and chasing me down the stairs with a plastic cutlass. (Yeah, we kind of goofed off the job here...) He threw the hat off, which I then picked up and put on top of the hat I was already wearing (Shanks, baby!), and exclaimed "I'm the captain now!". Then Jorden chased me into the second kitchen - maybe Eminem gets veeerrry hungry, I don't know, ask him - where I took off the pirate hat and gave it back to Jorden, and in return he promised not to crush Shanks.
There was a small room on the right leading off the kitchen, which Jorden checked and said there was nothing of interest.
At this point it appeared that Eminem had kidnapped Harry Potter instead, and we had to free him. You know how your motives in dreams sometimes change.
There was a tiny door on the left, about 20x20 cms, which I thought I might be able to fit through, but when we opened it there was just a brick wall behind it.
Then we heard Eminem's voice at the bottom of the stairs, talking to his daughters, who in the dream were called Lily and Susie. I don't know why my brain named them that, it just did!
So me and Jorden (Damien had disappeared by this point, like people do in dreams) climbed out the small window in the kitchen. It was one of those small windows that only just peaks up above the ground - you know, the ones you get in basements.
At the back of the house was a garden, with an angel statue in the middle, like the one on the LG Optimus advert. We ran around to our left, down a small path and back out to the front of the house, fearing that Marshal would enter the kitchen and be able to see us through the window.
But, as we neared the front of the house, we noticed more people - two more stealy-diamonds-for-the-big-company-who-told-them-to people, like me and Jorden. There was a woman, who was on Wife Swap once, and the other was a man in a suit, the one from the Magnum advert.
We ran back around to the garden, not wanting to be seen by these new people who were on the same case as we were, but working for a different company. As we ran back around though, there were two women, working for the same company as the people at the front of the house. We ducked behind the building, but they'd spotted us, so we ran back to the path and hid in a ditch next to some bushes. The women found us, and made us blurt out some of the things we knew about the diamond (back to the diamond at this point), but Jorden got comfortable in a conversation and told them exactly where it had to be - in the one room we didn't check in the basement, the big one with the hexagonal front. I started running towards the back of the house so we could re-enter and snag the diamond for ourselves before they did - it didn't really matter if Marshal caught us, we just couldn't let the other company get it. I was practically screaming at Jorden to shut up and to come help me get the diamond, but he kept talking and only followed once he'd said everything.
The two women, who were now two of my friends - Becki and Molly - followed us, obviously wanting to get the diamond before we did.
But there was a giant sort-of fair thing, with lots of rides and stalls. Eminem's probably rich, he might have a fair permanantly in his back garden! So we had to work our way through that first. It was all sort of walled in, so you had to go through one stage before you could get to the next, so you couldn't just run around it all to the house.
The first stage was just some stalls, so we dodged those and carried on. Next there was a Waltzers, which changed direction, so we started running one way to make it faster, but then ended up going to slow way because it changed half-way. Next there was a swimming pool, and me and Jorden just ran over the water because we're magic, whereas Becki and Molly had to run around the outside. Next was a very busy dodgem thing, where the floor rotated quickly, and there was a mish-mosh of assorted vehicles which you didn't really drive, you just sat on them as they span and hurtled out of control. We tried running straight through the middle, but near the other side we got caught on a wierd circular thing with a gianthandle. We got caught on the giant handle - as it was spinning it grabbed us and threw us on for a ride. Becki and Molly were biding their time by riding across on a little donut-thing. Me and Jorden escaped from the little vehicle, but as we did so Molly pulled out a small box of beads, which, on the rotating floor, we tripped and stumbled over. We grabbed onto a rail near the exit while we waited for the beads to go by - whoever was through that door first was sure to get the diamond first.
Buuut I woke up. I know, FAIL. I like to think we got the diamond, but I probably woke up because I was scared Becki and Molly would get it.
Ha, anyways, 'til next time.

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