Tuesday 27 July 2010

Big brother Derek

First off, I would like to apologise for my previous post, and may go back and delete it later. I had a lot of emotions, and wasn't focussing on who actually loves me and makes everything worthwhile. I could mention a bunch of names, but I won't so I don't clog my up my blog. *cough*jorden,siani,george,lauren-ilyguys*cough*

Anywho, I was just messing with one of my little sister's friends who is vacationing in Turkey, I think. Why am I telling you this? Because I had fun doing it, okay?!
By the way, I cut my ankle this morning and it really hurt and bled everywhere. RANDOM NEWS FLASH.
And yeah, first I was speaking German to my sister's English friend over MSN. So she's like "what?" and "if you don't talk normally I'm going to dlet you". The reason 'dlet' is in italics is because that's what she said, and I don't know what it means. Anyone want to help me on that one? Fail typo. Anywho, then my sister (her name's Lauren) came back, so I went back to my own computer. She wasn't to upset that I'd been confusing her friend - I think she found it quite amusing.
So then, I can't remember how they got onto the subject, they start talking about my brother, Derek. I tried looking up the message history, but it was ghosted out, so I guess I'll never know. I also asked Lauren, but she couldn't remember either. I think we were just thinking of more ways to mess with her. You see, Derek is a figment of my imagination. He's my older brother. He's 19 and lives in an appartment in Plymouth with his friend, Damien. Derek's training for the navy, and Damien is still at college, pondering what to do. You see, in my spare time I think about these weird things, covering pretty much every aspect so if anyone ever asks about them I know the answer straight away, like a little sister would.
So Lauren's friend is saying that Lauren doesn't have a brother, so Lauren says that it's just my brother. Her friend asks if me and Lauren are only half sisters, as we would if Derek was only my brother, but I told her to say that Derek annoyed her when she was little, so she didn't count him as her brother. It was like a little family joke they had going on - Lauren said Derek wasn't her brother and Derek said that Lauren wasn't his sister. Lauren's friend bought that, I guess, but asked to see a picture of him over webcam. Lauren panicked, but I just told her to say that the pictures were in the loft, and since Derek was in Plymouth we couldn't get a new one. Fair enough excuse, right? So, to compensate, I drew a picture of him, because I like drawing, and drawing is fun and I always wanted to draw Derek. He had no hands because I couldn't be assed to draw them.
ANOTHER RANDOM NEWS FLASH. Nothing is cuter than a dwarf hamster eating a raisin.
I didn't expect Lauren's friend to buy it as a photo for a second, but, you know, if I could draw him and knew what he looked like then maybe it would be more plausible.
So Lauren shows her friend over webcam, and says "Katie drew a picture of him". And her friend is like "but it's a cartoon". So Lauren's like "that's 'cause Katie draws cartoon - he's a not a cartoon in real life!". And her friend believed her.
Then, just to make it a little more believable, I went on MSN and changed my name to Derek, and my status-message-thingy to "missing my family back in Devon. :(". Seemed plausible. Then I sent a message to Lauren and had a conversation with her as Derek, which Lauren then screenshot'd and sent to her friend. It worked well. The conversation was quite funny. It was mainly about how Derek and Damien had both got colds when they went out in the rain to get milk because the old milk went moldy, and there was another bit somewhere about Derek's border collie, Ollie, getting an e-mail address. Then Lauren added me to the conversation with her friend, so she could talk to Derek, but she went to get food or something, and during the time she was away MSN crashed and we had to evacuate the convo.

Pretty mean, eh? I mean, I see that now, but it was fun at the time. Besides, what harm could possibly come from your friend having an older brother that you didn't know about? Especially one that doesn't live with the rest of the family, so you'd probably never get to meet him.
But it got me thinking. Why do I like the think I have an older brother? I guess it's because I want one. Everyone will disagree with me now, and say that an older brother is the last thing I want, but I think it would be quite cool, being the tomboy-ish thing I am. Tomboy-ish, well, more of a tomboy than tomboy-ish. I'm into video games, heavy music and wearing black, which makes me a lot of guy friends. So yeah, big brother Derek would be great.
If Derek was real, due to circumstances that happened after the conversation with Lauren's friend, I'd tell him to change his name to LOLderek on MSN.
Well, g'night.

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