Sunday 29 August 2010

Who ya gonna call? GHOST BUSTERS.

Ha, I'm so pathetic, I don't even know the URL to my own blog. I got three different sites before I got this one.

So, I'm out of my territory at the moment. I've done myself the right not to trust anyone, and therefore will not be saying when I get back, or where I've gone so you can gauge how long it will take to get back. So, yeah, out of my territory, so I'm a little on edge. Not being at home is a more scary experience - you're away from everything you know. I know, you're probably thinking, "pathetic", but you are slightly more uptight because you don't have that homey feeling. So, yeah, I'm staying in a barn conversion. Beautiful - old on the outside but modern on the inside, with the wooden beams showing - just the way I like it. It overlooks miles of picturesque countryside, with the strong country wind lifting fluffy white plant seeds, which dance along the top of the tall grass, with a factory churning out puffy slight-off-coloured clouds to add a sense of realism. I'm in my element, but yeah, I have a story. Let me explain.
I was tired and a little bored, so I thought "I'll head back to the cottage like a big girl and go to bed because I'm tired and have nothing better to do". There's a bigger house next door where the rest of our family is staying, so we spend a lot of the time here (me especially because they have internet connection, we don't). So yeah, I say goodnight to everyone and head off. The lights were working this time so it wasn't a scary walk back in the dark or anything. I get in, grab my pyjamas and prepare to get changed when I notice a BIG-ASS SPIDER RIGHT OVER MY BED - CAPS LOCK OR EMPHASIS. So, still dressed because I was distracted by the BIG-ASS SPIDER RIGHT OVER MY BED, I went back next door again. But just as I reached for the door I saw a reflection in the glass, and it looked like a white figure walked across the banister. I ignored it, a little creeped, but I'm a sceptic, I guess, until I'm on my own. I don't even mind if there's someone younger than me there - I just need someone. My dad had told me previously that if there was a big spider then I had to tell him without my little sister knowing. So he's playing FIFA on the DS with my cousin, and I whisper over his shoulder "this is me letting you know without Lauren knowing". So he comes over, and the big-ass spider is gone. Great. Is he in my bed? Down the side of the bed in my bag? Underneath my pillow? In my pyjamas? So I spotted some big-ass legs coming out of a crack in the ceiling, so we hoovered it (HENRY HOOVER TO THE RESCUUUUE!) but we're not sure if we got it or not. So my dad leaves and tells me too hoover it if he comes back. So I get changed into my pyjamas, figuring I could draw for a little while or write, but I couldn't get that reflection out of my head. So I worked up the guts to venture through the living room and into the dark kitchen to grab a glass of water so I can go to bed. All the way I was telling myself out loud not to look into anything that had a reflection, and my eyes were darting around while I was stood - a sitting duck - drinking. I don't think anything paranormal would be out to harm us. I mean, why would you come back to freak people out if you died? But again, I was alone, and when you're alone you work a different way. I tried to act comfortable, and sat in my temporary bedroom for a while. I sleep there - it's got a homey feeling, so I figured I'd feel more comfortable there. But one glass of water doesn't get you far, and so I swallowed my fear and started up the stairs - up to the banister - with the strong winds making the house creak and moan. I got half way up - a feat I'm proud of - when I paused to listen, staring at my parent's darkened bedroom. I said aloud "this is stupid", yet I didn't make any further effort to climb the stairs. Instead I scurried down again, out the door in my pyjamas, telling myself not to look through the window into the cottage, not to look in reflections, not to look up into the bushes and not to look back. I got to the house, and peaked through the door, where everyone was playing cards. So I asked for someone to come back with me, but they were all busy - fair enough - so I was told to come inside. And here I am. I feel naked in front of adults wearing nothing but pyjamas - in my panic I forgot to bring my dressing gown - but I'm in another room on the laptop - the sounds of their voices reassuring me. And NOTHING is more reassuring than hot chocolate, but now it's all gone, 'cos I drunk it. Liquid confidence.

Now I'm tired, and thirsty, and my neck hurts, and I feel naked, and my knee hurts a little, and my leg will hurt when I get up, and I think I'm going to go.

P.S. Bored people + word assembly = "Her ass blow him down".

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